February 29, known as a leap day in the Gregorian calendar, is a date that occurs in most years that are evenly divisible by 4, such as 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. Years containing a leap day are called leap years. February 29 is the 60th day of the Gregorian calendar in such a year, with 306 days remaining until the end of that year.
I am challenging myself to commit the remaining 306 days to do my best to experience another Quantum Leap of Success in my journey of life in 2012!
Are you ready for a Quantum Leap of Success?
As I looked back on my journey of life as an entrepreneur from 1986 to 2009, I discover that to be successful in life, we need to have the courage to take risk and to go for a “Quantum Leap” to do things differently to get extraordinary results.
Below are some of the “Quantum Leap Actionable Ideas” that I subscribed to achieve Quantum Leap of Success in my journey of life …
1. Becoming a Risk Taker.
2) 2. Taking 100% Responsibility for failure or success. No justification!
3) 3. Becoming a Leader and not a Follower. Leading our team to explore uncharted territories and opportunities. Breaking barriers that have never been broken before.
4) 4. Subscribing to a POSitive Belief System – Possibilities Thinking.
5) 5. Changing our daily habits to achieve positive results.
6) 6. Having an Attitude of Gratitude. Seized every opportunity that is presented to us with thanksgiving.
7) 7.Taking Massive Actions to make things happen instead of staying in our comfort zones and achieving mediocre results.
8) 8. Committing to become a Lifetime Learner. Work hard on our personal and leadership development to achieve quantum leap success to make a fortune in our life journey!
Last but not least to achieve Quantum Leap of Success I believes we need to have a very Strong Faith.
Have Faith in God, Yourself, the Company that you work with, the Opportunity that you are blessed with and the People around you that are going to work together with you as a team to Succeed in our journey of life.
Have Faith in God, Yourself, the Company that you work with, the Opportunity that you are blessed with and the People around you that are going to work together with you as a team to Succeed in our journey of life.
Wishing you a Quantum Leap Success for 2012,
Poh Ted Ang